Friday, February 3, 2012

Kale Chips and Polenta Happiness

Dear cyber-universe,

I have just realized the need to change the name of this blog...let's see how long this one sticks.

I have a tendency to obsess about constantly changing inane things.  Here are a few of my latest obsessions and ways that you can become obsessed with them too!

1. Kale chips
2. Mixing neutrals in clothes (bright colors can wait until summer)
3. Desperate attempts to keep Boo, my bamboo plant, alive
4. Great deals on textbooks (amazon and have the best ones!)
5. Polenta

Kale chips:
Buy a bunch of fresh kale.  I don't know how long it technically lasts in a refrigerator, but mine has lasted almost a week before so don't stress about it!  Wash it and cut off the thickest parts of the stalk (this is really based on preference).  Preheat the oven to about 250 degrees.  Pour a tablespoon or two of olive oil on a cookie sheet and spread it around until your hands and the cookie sheet are nice and oily.  Pat the pieces of kale with olive oil and place on the cookie sheet, getting more oil from the cookie sheet on your hands as necessary.  This gets enough oil on the kale without making it too greasy.  Sprinkle some salt on the kale and toss it in the oven.  Check the kale about every 10 min.  It should take about 40 min to get perfectly crispy.  The edges will be just slightly brown and the whole leaf will be crispy.  Throw your fatty potato chips out the window and enjoy your kale!

Polenta Happiness:
I just made this today and loved it!  Buy some precooked polenta.  I get the basil and garlic flavor.  Blend a can of tomatoes (undrained) until smooth.  Heat tomatoes with a big dash of oregano and whatever other spices you want! I use thyme but you could add garlic for a little kick.  Chop up some sausage, cook, and set aside.  Cut some slices (about 1/2'' thick) of the cooked polenta and saute them in the pan that you used for the sausage.  Top them with slices of mozzarella while they are in the pan and cover until the cheese melts.  Serve polenta slices topped with sausage pieces and drenched in tomato sauce. Yum!

I hope you enjoy these recipes, cyber-universe!


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