Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Candied Bacon

Hello again internet abyss,

I am excited to share another one of my obsessions with you tonight!  This summer, I went to Ignite which is an awesome restaurant in downtown Denver (highly recommended!)  That is where my love affair with candied bacon began.  I have always loved bacon, but this is by far the most wonderfully sinful of its forms.

The Recipe:
Lay bacon out flat in a baking dish.  Sprinkle with red pepper (crushed is better, but I use ground because it's cheaper!)  Crumble brown sugar over the top.  You don't need to cover it completely but make sure there is enough.  For 8 slices of bacon, I use about 1/3 cup brown sugar.  Make sure you don't use too much red pepper unless you really want it spicy!  A little goes a long way!

The Important Part:
Set your oven to about 250 degrees.  Bake the bacon for about 3 hours, turning every 20 min or so until the lightest part is a deep caramel.  You have to cook it low and slow so that the pepper and sugar and bacon grease have plenty of time to become best friends.

The Last Part:
Once it is cool, feed candied bacon to anyone you would like to fall in love with you.  You can also keep it for yourself, but beware- that is how I ended up eating 12 pieces of bacon one night. True story.

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