Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Best Salad

I know this title seems lofty, but I'm not lying.  I stumbled across this combination by complete accident about a year ago, and have since been tweaking it to perfection.  Now, I'm glad to share it with you, my loyal readers (or, more likely, the internet abyss).  I am completely aware that it sounds strange but I guarantee it to be perfection and I haven't been proven wrong yet.  There is a reason it's one of my obsessions!

The Best Salad
Romaine Lettuce
Dried Cranberries
Feta Cheese
Crumbled Bacon
White Balsamic Vinaigrette
(I know there aren't any measurements, just crumble everything on top until it looks decently proportioned.)

Yes, you have to make the vinaigrette yourself!  Check out my earlier recipe for Balsamic Vinaigrette on my Tomato and Green Bean Salad post.  Then, go to Trader Joe's and get White Balsamic Vinegar to substitute.  Trust me, the white balsamic changes this recipe.  If you don't have a Trader Joe's, I am truly sorry and you have my permission to use regular balsamic.  Remember, the key to perfect bacon is low and slow! Let it slowly caramelize on low heat without draining the grease until it's done.  Don't feel bad about the calories- you're putting it on a salad!


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