Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tomato Green Bean Salad

I am a salad lover.  There is no question about that.  However, after a while of eating the same salad all time, I need a change!  Tomato Green Bean Salad is always my simple and delicious variation when I get to this point.  Literally just chop up a tomato and add canned or fresh cooked green beans.  My mom got the recipe from our friends in France and therefore serves it with a basic french dressing.  I followed suit until I wanted it one time and didn't have french dressing!  Necessity is the mother of invention!  I whipped up a quick red wine vinaigrette and it was great.  Tonight, I decided to go a different direction.  Knowing my obsession with fresh tomato anything and balsamic vinegar, I made my typical balsamic vinaigrette to top my salad.  It completely changed the salad! Trust me, it's amazing!  Here is my best attempt at writing down my balsamic dressing recipe. Give it a try and tweak it to your preference (as always).  Obviously, I have never measured anything to make it!

Balsamic Vinaigrette
Large splash Balsamic Vinegar
Roughly same size splash Olive oil (less for a tangier dressing)
Drizzle of Blue Agave Sweetener (you can use honey and it's almost as good)
Small dollop Dijon Mustard
Dash of Salt and Pepper

Sorry there are no pictures today- I couldn't wait to eat it long enough to take any!


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